I wrote about this day many months ago waiting for one of my children to be released from practice. I stored it in a notebook I carried with me to write down my random thoughts. Several months ago, I tore it out of my notebook and discarded it, knowing I would not share this experience for fear of what others would think. Fear of others rejecting the brilliant hour that turned my torture into something else. Something that changed my perspective and eased the hurt from that deep bruise that was imprinted into my heart since December 29th.
Three months I had been lying in a hospital bed in my living room with the same question running into and invading every thought I had. It wasn't even a conscious question at this point, I couldn't control its interference in my life. I visioned it as someone terribly annoying poking me in the shoulder every half second, not stopping when asked. " Am I going to be okay?" it vibrated fiercely .
I sat up in bed, overcome with emotion and exploded into tears, heart wrenching tears as I held my head in my hands. I sobbed submissively, "I'm so sorry." "I'm so sorry you died." " I'm sorry you died and I did not, I don't know why, I'm sorry." I could not picture his face because I did not know what he looked like. I did not know his life or personality, but I felt his heart this day. It felt like this was a way that God let him help the person he caused so much pain for. He was sorry.
Three months I had been lying in a hospital bed in my living room with the same question running into and invading every thought I had. It wasn't even a conscious question at this point, I couldn't control its interference in my life. I visioned it as someone terribly annoying poking me in the shoulder every half second, not stopping when asked. " Am I going to be okay?" it vibrated fiercely .
Each day for three months I spent my days with this question alternating with my body begging me to stop the pain. "AM I going to be okay?" *PAIN!* "Am I GOING to be okay?" *PAIN!* "AM I GOING TO BE OKAY?!" ***PAAAAINN!*** No rest, no reprieve. It was maddening!
A weekday afternoon as I lie in that bed, I grew weary of watching tv. I cannot focus enough to read, it is painful to write, I tire of my own thoughts. Closing my eyes, I drift to some meditative state. Still hearing voices from the television, still knowing my surroundings, that blasted question even intrudes my thoughts here. For Gods sake, just leave me alone for a bit.
Sensations. Odd sensations come over me. I am smiling. With my eyes still closed, a big easy smile spreads across my face. I don't understand it but I love it, I want more. A feeling slowly washes over by body. I had been cloaked with a calmness and it swaddled me as a mother swaddles her infant.
Peace. It was splendid peace, warming my body, mind and spirit. With a trust so unbelievably complete, I knew the answer to my unending inquiry. Yes. Even if I do not walk well or ever again, I will be just fine. If that means living life in a wheelchair, I will be just fine. Our girls and I had survived and that is all that I cared about. Vivid, clear thoughts were mine. Heaviness lifted its weight from my heart and it began beating again in earnest.
Sensations. Odd sensations come over me. I am smiling. With my eyes still closed, a big easy smile spreads across my face. I don't understand it but I love it, I want more. A feeling slowly washes over by body. I had been cloaked with a calmness and it swaddled me as a mother swaddles her infant.
Peace. It was splendid peace, warming my body, mind and spirit. With a trust so unbelievably complete, I knew the answer to my unending inquiry. Yes. Even if I do not walk well or ever again, I will be just fine. If that means living life in a wheelchair, I will be just fine. Our girls and I had survived and that is all that I cared about. Vivid, clear thoughts were mine. Heaviness lifted its weight from my heart and it began beating again in earnest.
My world inside of our home stopped as if Mother Nature had stopped time, except for myself. I was in a whirl wind, everything around me was blurring as my mind whipped with comprehension, with awe, with disbelief. He wasn't here with me, I did not hear him say the words, but he let me feel my answer. He was allowed to let me know I was going to be okay. He was allowed to let me feel peace. It was him, the man who hit me.

He was finally at peace. I don't know what that meant, but I knew it as well as I knew my own name.
It was the first time I had addressed him. Acknowledged that he had changed my life. Now he had changed it twice in a matter of three short months. I know the reality. I know the explanations and excuses of everything else that this can be. I was dreaming, it was effects of the pain medications I was ingesting, it was my own mind wanting something so badly that I imagined it.
But what does it really matter? I had found what I had been searching for. My spirit was at ease. That question no longer haunted me. I don't care what it was, I loved what it did for me. I choose to believe because it grants me peace, courage and composure. I choose to believe.
I do not wish this pain or these struggles to be in my life. I wish I could learn these lessons in a less tragic way, but this is my path now. My journey. God does not leave you on Earth without a reason. I have asked him a few thousand times what am I supposed to do for him, what is my reason for being saved because when I look at my car, at the scene, it does not look as if anyone should have survived that.
I have heard his silent wishes and this past week, in a room full of three hundred plus people, I finally accepted. I smirked as I said, "Well you ornery son of a gun." HE says, " Do the thing that you have been most afraid of your entire life."
Speak. Up.
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