Most of us can hear a song that takes us back to a day when we had fewer responsibilities, time to kill and that time was filled with nothing but fun and lots of laughter.
For many of us in and around the Gasconade County area, it was a band. A band, that may have inadvertently formed a phenomenon that matched their name. A band called..........LEGEND.
Last evening was a night of copious reunions. The music formation itself reunified after a twenty year hiatus, possibly
creating the largest event Stony Hill has observed since the last time Legend played there.
Standing in a single configuration that trailed from the rear of Purdy's bar, that snaked through the parking lot, ending at the gravel road, I listened to us talk like groupies. Story after story of fun and craziness that happened only at Legend dances radiated throughout the line.
Entering the mass of onlookers, I felt like a sightseer and as I watched and looked over the crowd, I smiled. A lazy smile that blew into a cheek splitting grin that crinkled my eyes. It was a crowd filled with my past. A reunion of Owensville High. I listened as I heard the mob reflect, chasing memories of days gone by.
I studied the band members, ate up with the response from the crowd and that after the addition of two decades, the loss of big hair and spandex, that they could still rock as hard as they do and entice the throng of fans to scream for more.
Timidly, I injected myself into the mosh pit. This group is the reason I have Ozzy Osbourne cycling through my play list and why I know every word to "Momma Let Him Play". I scanned the party of people around me, dancing, singing, smiling and doubling over with amusement as we all rode the "Crazy Train" together.
Everyone embracing each other with laughter bubbling from deep in their bellies. This is what I viewed through my eyes.
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For many of us in and around the Gasconade County area, it was a band. A band, that may have inadvertently formed a phenomenon that matched their name. A band called..........LEGEND.
Last evening was a night of copious reunions. The music formation itself reunified after a twenty year hiatus, possibly
creating the largest event Stony Hill has observed since the last time Legend played there.
Standing in a single configuration that trailed from the rear of Purdy's bar, that snaked through the parking lot, ending at the gravel road, I listened to us talk like groupies. Story after story of fun and craziness that happened only at Legend dances radiated throughout the line.

I studied the band members, ate up with the response from the crowd and that after the addition of two decades, the loss of big hair and spandex, that they could still rock as hard as they do and entice the throng of fans to scream for more.
Timidly, I injected myself into the mosh pit. This group is the reason I have Ozzy Osbourne cycling through my play list and why I know every word to "Momma Let Him Play". I scanned the party of people around me, dancing, singing, smiling and doubling over with amusement as we all rode the "Crazy Train" together.
Everyone embracing each other with laughter bubbling from deep in their bellies. This is what I viewed through my eyes.
There were no negatives, no hate, no enemies. Only those of us smiling, enjoying, appreciating, remembering..................
days gone by.
Carey's Twitter
Carey on Google+